

About Ashleigh

Ashleigh Davies is an early childhood educator with her bachelors in Early Childhood Education & Care and has worked with children in a variety of roles over the last decade.

Ashleigh has worked as a post-secondary instructor, leading ECE post-basic courses and designing curriculum, and as the North Shore Community Resources CCRR Assistant Manager and Municipal Child Care Consultant. Ashleigh is the current head coordinator of the ECE program with Burnaby Continuing Education.

Ashleigh presents her workshops throughout Canada, bringing her passion for ECE into every session.

Featured Workshop Sessions

  • Critical Literacy: A Closer Look at the Books we Choose

    What power do books hold? Through this workshop educators will discuss topics of social justice and diversity, considering how all children can feel represented.

    Focuses on understanding the importance of representation in children’s day to day lives and on the power books can hold. This involves looking at how books can uphold ideas of colonization, gender stereotypes, one type of family and white-centric voices. We will look at how the literacy we use can work towards anti-racist & anti-bias practice, as well as create a welcoming environment where all children are able to feel represented.

  • Embracing Tensions: Encounters with Tough Topics

    How do we respond when tensions around tough topics arise? This workshop addresses why it’s important to critically engage with children, how to have conversations with families, and ways to engage with tough topics.

    We will look at what it means to embrace the tensions in our educational settings and what can grow from engaging with said tensions.

  • Is Pink For Boys? Gender Discourse in ECE settings

    This workshop looks at discussing how we represent gender in the classroom in an inclusive environment.

    We look at addressing how we as educators may be influenced by our ideas of gender roles and how they become portrayed in the classroom, discussing ways to make our classrooms inclusive for all children and families.

  • Dramatic Play: More than Just the Housekeeping Corner

    This workshop looks at discussing the importance of dramatic play and ways to encourage and expand on it within the classroom. 

    Workshop covers ideas around materials and set-up for dramatic play areas both indoors and outdoors as well as conversations around children’s engagement in rough & tumble dramatic play (such as superhero play), and how we as educators can create an environment rich with socioemotional development.






Manitoba Child Care Association


Children Heart of the Matter Conference


Early Years Thriving


Interior Early Years Conference


ECEBC • CCRR • Manitoba Child Care Association • Children Heart of the Matter Conference • Early Years Thriving • Interior Early Years Conference •

  • "This Workshop has been an eye opener and has challenged me to think outside the box to further my teaching abilities."

    Meaningful Inclusion Workshop Participant

  • "Ashleigh was very informative but also made her seminar interesting with her own personal stories, slides, and exercises that got us thinking and brought us together."

    Critical Literacy Theory workshop participant

  • "Ashleigh was very enthusiastic, her workshop was interesting and was full of great ideas! I've attended several of her workshops and they are always a favourite!"

    Dramatic Paly Workshop participant

  • "Amazing workshop, opened my mind and so fun to be at! I learnt so much that I will bring to my work, would love to see Ashleigh again!"

    Art& Inquiry Workshop participant

Upcoming events

  • March 11

    Dramatic Play: More than Just Housekeeping Corner

    Online workshop with Manitoba Child Care Society

  • March 20

    Tension in the Classroom: Encounters with Tough Topics.

    Online workshop with CCRR Surrey

  • ECEBC Conference

    I will be presenting two workshops, more info to be shared soon!

Podcasts & Publications

  • Everything ECE Podcast Episode #99- Obstacles Within the ECE Profession with Ashleigh Davies

  • ECE, Honestly episode #16

  • West Coast CCRR Friday Spotlight episode #12

  • Let's talk about childcare

  • Townhall with David Eby and Selina Robinson

  • Published artcle

    Critical Literacy Article featured in ECEBC journal Fall 2023 issue

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